Nagendra, H. RArathi, Jagannathan2016-09-032016-09-032016-09-03Monthly journal of S Vyasa0972074X University wanted to bring the role models of persons from five dimensions of Yoga - Jnana, Raja, Karma, Bhakti Yoga and Shanti Peethams in the Division of Yoga-Spirituality. In the other four divisions one chair each will be set up. So far we have been able to set up the following Peethams and Chairs: Prof. ASN Shastry Memorial Jnana Yoga Peetham adorned by Swamini Samananda Saraswati Ji of Gujarat, Ramana Maharshi Raja Yoga Peetham adorned by Pujya Swami Prajnaranya Ji and Bhakti Yoga Peetham adorned by Pujya Prema Pandurang Ji. Prof. ECG Sudarshan is holding the Chair for Division of Yoga & Physical Sciences and Dr. Balamurali Krishna is holding the Chair for Division of Yoga & Humanities.enYoga SudhaMonthly journalVol-XXXIISeptember2016S Vyasa jounalYoga SudhaOther