Taruna Malik2011-02-202011-02-202011-01-12Bangalorehttp://www.libraryofyoga.com/handle/123456789/588In ancient Indian studies of yoga, there is emphasis on shatkarma (i.e. internal cleansing of body). The yogic texts: Haöha Yoga Pradépikä and Gheranòa Saàhitä gives a detail about shatkarma. Jyoti träöaka is one of the shat karma which means gazing of the eyes.enDharana According to YogaSpiritual LoreCritical Flicker Fusion ImmediateEffect After Jyoti TratakaMSc Dissertation2011Part – I Concept of Dharana According to Yoga and Spiritual Lore. And Critical Flicker Fusion Immediate Effect After Jyoti Trataka.Other