Sneha, Singh2016-11-102016-11-102016-01-12Banglore In 2013, 382 million, people had diabetes. We can appreciate this number more by realizing that one out of every twelve persons has diabetes. And the irony is that one out of two people do not even know that they are diabetic as they never got their blood glucose levels checked. It is estimated that the number of Diabetes patients will rise exponentially to 592 million by 2035. Scrutinising the etiology of Diabetes from a Yogic lens reveals that at the cellular level, there is a failure of relationship between insulin receptors and also WBCs and pancreatic cells.enEffect of Yoga ModuleFasting Blood SugarPostprandial Sugartype 2 DiabetesMSc2016Effect of Yoga Module on Fasting Blood Sugar and Postprandial Sugar Levels in Type 2 Diabetes PatientsOther