Aarti Khodani2010-12-152010-12-152005Bangalorehttp://www.libraryofyoga.com/handle/123456789/460This report contains the concept of Diet and Nutrition according to the äyurveda and yoga. It tries to examine balanced diet according to äyurveda and yoga and also with modern concept of diet. Balanced diet fosters the development of body wisdom it is said in the east that “he who would attain enlightenment must first conquer the palate” diet, like any other area of one’s life, if approached in the right spirit, can become a means of growth and personal enfoldment.en-USDISSERTATION MScBalanced DietAyurveda and YogaPsychological VariablesBypass Graft PatientsD0148Part I: Balanced Diet according to Ayurveda and Yoga Part II: Efficacy of Deep Relaxation Technique on the Psychological Variables of Coronary Artery Bypass Graft PatientsOther