Kumari, Barkha2019-12-122019-12-122018-05http://www.libraryofyoga.com/handle/123456789/1685Urban India is presently experiencing an upright rush in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and ischemic heart disease. India is the second largest country which has higher number of diabetes patients .The shift in epidemiology from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases indicates that the urban population is also at a high-risk for developing such diseases. This shift is due to the change in sleep quality. The need of this study is due to the underlying fact that yoga has been an effective intervention in the management of lifestyle related diseases based on earlier studies. The primary goal of this study is to assess the efficacy of yoga intervention on the participants’ health status. A diabetes camp was conducted in urban Karnataka. Single group pre-post design was used in this study. Fifty participants were interested to participate in the study and attend the 3 months yoga program for two hours daily. The number of samples who had undergone regular yoga practice was 20. The intervention included breathing, loosening, suryanamaskar, asanas, and pranayama, relaxation and meditation techniques. Participants’ health status was assessed before and after intervention. The initial value of the result is 15.5±3.74.and the obtained final value of the result is 13.95±3.33. The effect size of the result is 0.43and the change in percentage is observed as 10%. The p-value is 0.02 which shows a significant result in the participants’ sleep quality. The sleep quality of the participants showed a significant result in the pre-diabetics and diabetics. The significant value might have been attributed to the regular 3 months yoga practices of the pre diabetic and diabetic participants. Present study shows that 90 days of yoga intervention program bring a significant change in the participants’ sleep quality.enYogaDiabetesEFFECT OF YOGA INTERVENTION ON SLEEP QUALITY AMONG PRE DIABETICAND DIABETIC PARTICIPANTS – A SINGLE GROUP PRE-POST STUDYOther