Sendhil Kumar R.2012-11-302012-11-302012-01-12Bangalore is an acute inflammatory polyneuroradiculopathy, characterized by acute or jbacute progressive symmetrical limb weakness with distal paraesthesias and reduced or absent ep tendon reflexes in previously healthy persons. Commonly infection by virus or bacteria precedes the onset of GBS, but sometimes a vaccination or surgery may trigger the onset. More :ently HIV has been implicated in the development of the disease. Classically, GBS has an ite onset and the devastating acute course may take a person from being absolutely normal to iridden and on respirator within 2 or 3 days. The progression usually occurs over 10 to 12 ays before a plateau is reached, followed by a gradual recovery or partial recovery.enNeurological DisordersAyurvedaRehabilitationGuillain-Barre SyndromePart-I Neurological Disorders according to Ayurveda . Part-II Effect of Pranayama and Meditation as as add-on therapy in rehabilitation of Patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.Other