Nagendra, H. R.Arathi, Jagannathan2016-07-292016-07-292016-02-03Monthly journal of S Vyasa0972074X Modern medicine rooted in the bio-medical model with a matter-based paradigm will offer proven solutions to most communicable diseases, to diagnose NCDs, large number of surgeries for setting right abnormalities and even replacing different parts of our body as we do it in machines. Due to the inadequacy of modern medical system in curing NCDs and escalating costs of treatment, integrative processes are being increasingly accepted. Integration of modern medicine and AYUSH systems is the need of the hour to deal with communicable and noncommunicable diseases. AYUSH systems rooted in consciousness based approach deals with human beings in totality and origin of NCDs as Adhis at mind level becoming Vyadhis at physical level. Can we provide a basic philosophy for this integration or symbiosis? Then we can use the best of each system to give the best results. It is time to evolve a pluralistic Health Care delivery system with modern system as an aggressive fore-front and using AYUSH as a strong defense to bring a symbiotic combination to deal with all diseases. H. R. NagendraenYoga SudhaMonthly journalVol-XXXIIFebruary2016S Vyasa jounalYoga SudhaOther