SHWETA SOLANKISoubhagyalaxmi Mohanty2022-01-192022-01-192018-10-13 Emotional stability it means a person's “ability to remain calm or even keel when faced with pressure or stress.” And it was revealed as a significant predictor of career concerns. Furthermore, a moderating effect of gender and a mediating role of career decision self-efficacy were revealed in this context for adolescents. It’s very crucial because at this age they face lot of changes in their life. They must be capable for taking the decisions for their career and should be able to improve their social behaviour which leads to the good confidence level. Methods and materials: In the present study, 60 participants with age ranged between (8-14 years) was taken from personality development camp (PDC) at swami Vivekananda yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (S-VYASA) Bangalore. PDC participants were undergone for 10- day yoga based life style intervention program and compared their emotional stability and memory before starting their session and after completing their session. 60 participants underwent yoga training i.e., Integrated approach of yoga therapy, (IAYT) everyday, 2 hour for 10 day. The variables like quality of life, emotional stability, memory and self monitoring level were recorded before and after the intervention. Result: significant were found in Self monitoring scale, Emotional regulation questionnaire but it did not found in the Everyday memory test Conclusion: :Complete (IAYT) practice, spiritual lectures, other curriculum activities influence their emotional level, good memory in adolescents they felt some little change in their life and also stability. Key words: emotional stability, memory, Self Monitoring, Personality DevelopmentenEmotional stabilityMemorySelf MonitoringPersonality DevelopmentEFFECT OF YOGA BASED LIFESTYLE INTERVENTION ON EMOTIONAL STABILITY AND MEMORY IN SCHOOL CHILDRENThesis