Sujatha K J2010-12-142010-12-142005Bangalore present study was conducted to have a comprehensive view of the concepts of two basic purificatory processes in Yoga and Āyurveda. Purificatory processes are mentioned in Vedas. The purification through Ñat karmās which isalso commonly known as Ñat kriyäs, is mentioned first inHaöha yoga pradépika. The Ñat karmās, the six cleansing techniques are named as Dhauti, Basti,Neti, Trāöaka, Nauli, and Kapālabhati. Caraka, the Āyurvedaen-USDISSERTATION MScPancha karmasAyurvedicKunjal KriyaVariability SpectrumD0181Part I: A Comparative Study of Sat Karmas of Yogic Texts & Pancha karmas of Ayurvedic Texts Part II: Effect of Kunjal Kriya on Heart Rate Variability SpectrumOther