Sanjay Kumar2010-12-112010-12-112004Bangalore serpent power represents the coming consciousness of mankind (3). Kuëòaliné is the name of a sleeping dormant potential force in the human organism and it is situated at the root of the spinal column. Kuëòaliné is Präëa Çakti stored in the Mülädhära cakra in Präëamaya Koça. It used to burn the food in physical body to give calorie energy which is used for our activities. The cakras are not plexi. They are not in Annamaya Koça but exist in Präëamaya Koça (1). Their correspondences in physical body are the plexuses.en-USDISSERTATION MScKundaliniManual DexteritySchool ChildrenD0040Part-I Concept of Kundalini According to Yoga is Spiritual Lore Part-II Effect of Three Different Integrated yoga Modules on Manual Dexterity in School ChildrenOther