Pushpavathi P.R.2010-12-112010-12-112004Bangalorehttp://www.libraryofyoga.com/handle/123456789/433Consciousness is the breath that makes everything live. When you are conscious of the whole world at the same time then you can become conscious of Divine. Consciousness is the source of all the knowledge and power. Consciousness is the origin of all creation - without consciousness, no creation; and what we call "consciousness" is just a far-off contact, without precision and exactness, with the supreme Consciousness. It can not be seen but it makes the eyes to see. In Éçä, it is told it is both within and without (it is all-pervasive & eternal); Kena it is told that it is formless, timeless, & eternal Truth.en-USDISSERTATION MScCONSCIOUSNESSSPIRITUAL LORESCHOOL CHILDREND0146Part I: Concept of consciousness according to the texts and spiritual lore and part. II: Efficacy of three different yoga modules in verbal memory on school children.Other