RohitRajesh S. K.Judu Ilavarasu2022-04-182022-04-182022-04-13 Dhäraniya vega Questionnaire is a cost-effective screening tool to detect the suppression of emotions among a group of people. Further the data can be used to interpret therisk of psychosomatic disorders in future. Aim: The aim of this study is to use Dhäraniya vega questionnaire as a screening tool to observe the level of suppression of emotional urges that people do on the daily basis which can further lead to different psychosomatic disorders. Methodology: The study employed tool development method through which a questionnaire with 11 abstracts was developed. There was no specific inclusion or exclusion criteria. Thequestionnaire was circulated in Google form with the help of different means of social media. Data were collected through Google Excel sheet which was further analyzed and interpreted.Quantitative as well as qualitative methods were used. As it was a survey design there was no particular intervention. Result: Level of suppression is more in students and working people. Also, the current pandemic scenario has played an important role in increasing the emotional suppression among the people. Äyurveda explains different methods for controlling the emotions but instead people suppress the emotions which makes them prone to different psychosomatic disorders in future. Preliminary psychometric validation was also attempted using exploratory factor analysis Conclusion: The study was focused on mainly non yoga practitioner. This construct which was selected was anxiety so in this study it was measured the level of anxiety in Non yoga practitioners. One of the Another group person / group member did the same study on yoga practitioner and did on Non yoga practitioner and did on Non yoga practitioner So, the suppression of anxiety in Non yoga Practitioner was the complete on the base of study Keywords: Dhäraniya vegä, AnxietyDharaniya vegaAnxietyPilot testing and development of dharaniya vega scale as a screening tool to observe the suppression of non-yoga practitionersThesis