Singh, Karamjit2014-07-052014-07-052014-07-04Bangalore The word Pranayama is a combination of two syllables pra and na and denotes constancy, being a force in constant motion. Whereas prana is the vital force, pranayama is process by which the international pranic store is increased. if we spilt Pranayama into prana and yama and it define it as breath control. However it is actually comprised of the words Prana and ayama which means pranic capacity or length. Pranayama is a technique through which the quantity of prana in the body is activated to a higher frequency. by practising Pranayama a certain amount of heat or creative force is generated throughout the entire body, influencing the existing quantum of PranaenSingle Nostril BreathingBreathingHemodynamicFrontal BrainBrain2014JulyEffect of Single Nostril Breathing on Hemodynamic responses of Frontal BrainOther