PRAGATI SENPadmasri Gudapti2022-01-182022-01-182018-10-04 The aim of this study is to observe the effect of IAYT on HbA1c in type-II diabetic and pre diabetic patients and its prevalence in an urban area of Karnataka. Settings and Design: This is a one arm Pre-Post Design comprised of 19 diabetes and pre-diabetes patients (Male-10, Female-9). Participant’s age are ranged from 35 to 60 years. Subjects are taken from JIGANI, Anekal, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Methods and Material: Yoga practice is given to the pre-diabetic and diabetic participants who agreed to participate in the study for 3 months, 6 days in a week for 1 hour. Yoga module consists of asana, pranayama meditation and relaxation technique. The yoga practice module which is placed in Appendix has been prepared by AYUSH MANTRALAYAM, INDIA. Results: Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) showed a significant reduction (p<0.05) from 7.89±2.01 to 7.51±1.88. The effect size is 0.1 with 4.8% changes. Conclusions: The current study showed a statistically significant reduction in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) after the yoga intervention in persons with Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes. Yoga module developed by AYUSH MANTRALAYA helps to reduce or control HbA1c in Diabetic and Pre-Diabetic people by practicing for one hour daily on weekdays 3 months.enYogaGlucose levelDiabetesType 2 DiabetesUrbanKarnatakaHbA2CEffect of YogaEFFECT OF YOGA ON AVERAGE GLUCOSE LEVEL (HbA1C) IN TYPE-II DIABETICS AND PRE-DIABETICS IN URBAN KARNATAKAThesis