Erukatla, Harikrishna2015-04-232015-04-232015-01-12 Low self-esteem and imbalance of cognitive functions are considered as the most frequently seen problems in School Children. Yoga being non-invasive, cost effective and safe intervention among complementary and alternative medicine. Earlier studies reported the potential role of yoga in balancing of Cognitive Functions and improvement in Self-esteem. Aims: The purpose of the present study was to assess the role of yoga on Self-esteem & Cognitive Functions in School Children. Methodology: 112 School Children(Yoga group=56, Control Group=56, Both Boys & Girls are equally distributed) with an age range between 12 to 16 from Sujana Convent, Hosa Road, Bangalore-100, were enrolled in this study. All the Participants in Yoga Group underwent Yoga practice consist of asana (Yogic postures), pranayama (yogic breathing practices) and relaxation techniques, one hour(60 Minutes) daily for six days a week for three weeks. Control Group took part in Physical Education Training in School Schedule Time. Digit Letter Substitution Test (DLST) and Rosenberg Self-esteem scale were administered before and after the intervention. Results: The Post Mean value of DLST(Y)(within group) has been increased by 14%(25-11) compared with DLST (C), and the Post mean value of Self-esteem(Y)(within group) isincreased by 7 % (11-4) compared with Self-esteem(C). Thus the results of the study concluded that the significant value of both variables is highly significant. In Self-esteem (between group), the Post p-value (.000) is highly significant compared to Pre p-value (.765). That shows Short term yoga practice (3 weeks) has the effect on Self-esteem. Conclusions: 3 weeks of intense yoga practice showed, both the variables, Self-esteem & cognitive functions were of highly significance. Thus the self-esteem & cognitive functions of school children are improved and increasedenSchool ChildrenSelf-esteemCognitive functionsYogaControl study2015JanuaryEffect of yoga on self-esteem and cognitive functions in school children: a randomized control studyOther