Khokan Halder2013-09-272013-09-272013-06-15Bangalore BACKGROUND AIM AND OBJECTIVES The present study was intended to study, “Effect of single session of yogasanas on arterial blood pressure”. The objectives of the study were to investigate the effect of yogasanas on: (i), Systolic Blood Pressure (ii), Diastolic Blood Pressure. METHODS Participants Twenty five male volunteers with ages ranging from 18 to 30 years were studied. They were all students at a yoga University (S-VYASA University, Bangalore) in South India. They had a year of experience in yogasana. Design For blood pressure, each participant was assessed twelve times. Assessments (i) Systolic Blood Pressure (ii) Diastolic Blood Pressure Intervention The intervention was consisted a series of eight yoga postures. Data analysis Two way repeated measure ANOVA (Posture × Sessions) to assess BP responses to yoga posture in both sessions. Fisher’s LSD post hoc analyses were used to compare the mean values among the yoga postures.enCharacteristicsAtmanSrimad Bhagavad GitaYogasanasBlood PressurePart-I The Characteristics of Atman (Soul) According to 2nd Chapter of Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Part-II Effect of Single Session of Yogasanas on Arterial Blood Pressure.Other