Ajithanatha G.2016-11-082016-11-082016-01-12Banglorehttp://www.libraryofyoga.com/handle/123456789/1539Diabetics, is the most challenging health conditions of the modern world causing serious health problem. India stands second for the diabetic population with 60 million individuals currently diagnosed with the disease. According to Diabetic Atlas approximately 34.5 million males and 30.6 million females have been diagnosed with diabetes till the end of 2013 in India (age group of 20-79 years).enOne week yoga therapytype 2 DiabetesKunnathunadu talukkeralaMSc2016Effect of One Week Yoga Therapy on Type 2 Diabetes Patients at Kunnathunadu Taluk, Ernakuram Distric, KeralaKUNNATHUNADU TALUK, ERNAKULAM DISTRICT, KERALAOther