Mondal, Joydeb2014-07-052014-07-052014-07-04Bangalore is an ancient science which uses physical body and breathing techniques as tools to gain mastery over the mind. Pranayama is one of the eight limbs of yoga as described by Maharishi Patanjali. The word Prana means 'vital energy' and ayama means 'expansion'. So pranayama in itself means as the expansion of life force or vital energy. Yoga is a science of right living and it works when integrated in our daily life.enImmediate EffectHigh FrequencyYogic BreathingBreathing PracticesAutonomic FunctionsHealthyUniversity StudentsA Comparative Study2014JulyImmediate Effect of the Selected High Frequency Yogic Breathing Practices on Autonomic Functions in Healthy University Students - A Comparative StudyOther